Lambert's Farm Market Sandwich MA
Fresh Food Grocer, Farm Market, Deli Take-Out, Butcher, Catering
Homemade Baked Goods, Wine & Beer
508 477-0655
Mon-Sat Lunch Specials
HOURS: Monday-Saturday 7am-6pm | Sunday 7am-5 pm
Our Quality Produce
Lambert's legacy is to work closely with the finest local farmers and growers as well as the Boston Wholesale markets to glean only the freshest and finest fruits and vegetables.
It's dinner time.
Do you know where your lettuce has been?
Find out at Morganicsapproved.com,
a free internet consumers guide to the finest organic and non organic farms and growers in North America producing the safest and highest
quality fruits and vegetables available.
How it works: Ask your grocer what farms provide their fruits and vegetables, then check and see if they pass the test at morganicsaproved.com.
It's easy to determine if you are buying the best at www.morganincsapproved.com.